Do you think planning your funeral is morbid, tempting fate, odd or a little spooky?
Or maybe you aren't planning to die?
Aren't we told there are only two certainties in life... Death & taxes[...]
This type of services became known through the film “As Above, So Below” at the Imagine Science Film Festival. Companies like Algordanza have specialized in creating diamonds from the ashes, and in this article tell us how they do. [...]
Read MoreWhat is an 'ethical' Will? An ethical will is not a legal requirement and unlike the legal Will it is based upon your desires for things like principles, values, memories and even future wishes for your family and friends. So, if you already have a legal Will, why do you need an ethical Will? This [...]
Read MoreWhen someone passes away it can be difficult to know what to say to those left behind. We all deal with situations in different ways and sometimes words can be hard to find and, unintentionally offensive. The grief and loss that the close friends and relatives may be feeling is going to be much different [...]
Read MoreThere are many different flowers that people choose for a funeral and behind those choices there are often many different reasons. It might be a favourite flower of the deceased, or it might hold some personal significance. Ideally the arrangement you choose should be based on the relationship you had with them. Below we have [...]
Read MoreToday, most people choose cremation rather than traditional burial because they help save money. Direct cremation, in particular, is considered less costly since it lowers costs by saving on terrestrial space. [...]
Read MoreThe standard coffin burial, including embalming and all the necessary treatments to prepare and preserve the body, is a source of environmental contaminants. Arsenic, formaldehyde and mercury have been discovered in the [...]
Read MoreKey Difference: Burial and cremation are two different types of method of disposing the body but funeral is a ceremony that is used to honor and celebrate the life of the deceased. [...]
Read MoreHow can I cap my funeral costs? Which Plan should I buy?
Costs for a funeral can vary depending on a number of different factors
As we own and operate our own facilities, we guarantee the quality of service at the best price
A basic funeral plan that covers the basic needs of the expat community in Spain
A full service including chapel, minister and music for your loved ones
This choice lets you arrange a funeral exactly how you want it
This plan includes all legal documentation to repatriate deceased to any country
Contact us by email or call us on our national and international assistance telephone number and we will help you immediately (Phone 24 hours / 365 days)
(+34) 951 31 50 20
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